With the bird front still quiet in the UK I've spent the last few days doing butterflies with Essex Skipper just down the road from me on the local meadows showing well (My 1st here for 2yrs) & then a little further afield to Aston Rowant,Oxfordshire for Silver-spotted Skipper & Chalk-hill Blues..........
Sightings from my local patch of Seeswood Pool & my various trips locally & around the country!
Wood Warbler

Seeswood Pool 2008
Saturday, 11 August 2012
Sunday, 5 August 2012
5th August 2012
Decided that I just had to have a go for the Alpine Swift at Beeston Bump,Norfolk today (My all time bogey bird!!!)With good mate Andy Jones getting to mine for 6am we set off!! A steady journey down & we were on site for 9:00 & the bird performed nearly straight away,showing well but a little hard to get pics with the Sigmonster & like a divvy had left me 300 in the car!! But just so happy to finally get this bird on my Brit list after dipping countless birds over the years inc 1 in Warks last Yr!! The last 1 I had in Britain was 1988 at Sandwell Valley which had just been taken into care so not tickable (Although I know a few locals ticked it & have still got it on their lists!!!) Cpl of record shots below
Friday, 3 August 2012
2nd August 2012
With 1 of my cameras now back from repairs & a window of good weather at my intended destination I was off,meeting up with good mate Steve Seal in Risley,Cheshire with the destination nearby Risley Moss & the target Black Darters!! An enjoyable few hrs with Black Darters,Emperor Dragon,Brown Hawker & my 1st Migrant Hawker of the Yr also Emerald Damselflies!!! Glad to say the camera worked well & was impressed with most of the shots taken (Just need to get my Mk111 back now)
Black Darter (male)
Black Darter (female)
Black Darter (male)
Common Darter (Imm male)
Emerald Damselfly (male top female bottom)
Black Darter (male)
Black Darter (female)
Black Darter (male)
Common Darter (Imm male)
Emerald Damselfly (male top female bottom)
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