Headed down to Norfolk on the 28th for the Booted Warbler,but despite the long trek down to Blakeney Point hardly a passerine seen the only birds of note were 10+ Whimbrel,8 Common Scoter,Sandwich Tern,1 Arctic Skua & several Northern Wheatear,Bluethroat was seen but not by myself by the hood!!
Seeswood Pool this morning 29/8/10
1 juv Northern Wheatear was a nice find on the headgerow towards the farm & 2 Kingfisher on the pool but apart from that very little.
Eyebrook Res 29/8/10
A quick trip down to Eyebrook for the Juv Kentish Plover & Pectoral Sandpiper resulted in 2 good Year ticks (though 2 distant for pics)the Kentish Plover being only my 2nd ever in Britain!!! popped into Draycote on the way home but apart from 2 Dunlin & 4 Ringed Plover(2ad 2juv)& a lone Swift very little to be seen!