Decided to have a day out in North Norfolk with some good year ticks on offer! 1st stop was the East bank at Cley where i soon found the Shore Larks an impressive 11 birds on the shingle bank between the East bank & coastguards,next was the American Wigeon on Pope's Marsh which showed well in the scope but just to far for any pics! Next stop Salthouse for the Snow Buntings which showed well but were very flighty also seen were thousands of Pink-footed Geese,Brent Geese a flyover Ross's Goose (I presume an escapee,unless it was the Holkham bird?) final stop was at Thornham marsh for the Northern Harrier,on arrival it didn't look good with many birders on site for over 4hrs & not a sighting,so i sat in the car scoping the marsh when the crowd started moving towards me & there it was coming low over the coal barn,a cracking looking bird but in my haste to grab me bins & camera i somehow caught a can of Cherry cola which exploded everywhere much to a few birders amusement!! A brilliant end to the day birdwise but a sticky 2 1/2hr drive home.


Pink-footed Goose

Dark-bellied Brent Goose

Shore Lark
Snow Bunting

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