Took another trip over to Kingsbury this morning but didn't even stop the car as the fog was that thick on Bodymoor Heath Rd,however this afternoon it seemed to have lifted quite a lot!! but not at Kingsbury where the birds had departed,no sign of the Bewick's so i dropped in at Coton where Archie Archer had them flying in several mins before,a few quick record shots & the birds were off again (no doubt back to the grazing fields!!)
Bewick's Swan

December 29th 2010
A txt from Tom Perrins alerting me to the news of 55 White-fronted Geese & 1 Pink-footed Goose in with the mixed flock of Canada & Greylag Geese at Kingsbury on the 28th had me leaving it till the nxt morning due to the thick fog,not much better but 2 good Warks birds & popular judging by the amount of birders coming & going!! spent an hour along the River Anker in the afternoon picking up Kingfisher & a fine drake Smew near Mancetter!!
White-fronted Goose

December 26th 2010
Still 9 birds on Thorntons way feeding on Rowan trees & fallen berries on the floor by late afternoon upto 50 birds were being reported!!!
Waxwing (Thorntons Way 26/12/10)

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