Call me obsessive but i'm not one to give up easily on getting a photo so i found myself back at Blorenge,Gwent for the 1st summer male Marmora's Warbler this morning & 3rd time lucky it certainly was,a crackin bird some good company but spoilt by the crowd who insisted in trampling the moor & ignoring the signs to stick to the road which 99% of the photographers did & were well rewarded,other birds on site at least 2 Whinchat,Stonechat,Tree & Meadow Pipit several Raven & at least 3 Cuckoo calling

Very nice, Dave - well done. Super bird, been toying with going, but too far.
Cheers Kevin,get yourself down there it's only a 2hr run from mine (at legal speeds)
Stunning shots Dave - which lens was this with?
Cheers Pete, The sigmonster mate still ain't got round to sending the 500 in for a callabration
Great to meet you on Thurday last Dave, you have some fantastic photos mate, keep up the good work and hope to bump into you again sometime. Neil.
Nice to catch up with you to Neil ive added your site onto my links
Cracking shots Dave.
Dave - Not impressed!!! haha! I spent several hours there on Saturday and the bloody thing never got any closer than c100 yards! Cracking shots mate - well done.
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