Wood Warbler

Wood Warbler
Seeswood Pool 2008

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

27th August 2008

Quiet on the pool the last few days with the highlights being 3 Reed Warbler (25/8/08) & a flyover Yellow Wagtail (26/8/08) so with that in mind Rich Dawkins & myself decided to do a Moth Trapping session from 8-30pm (26/8) till 5am this morning! We ran 3 traps resulting in 65 Species & total of 811 moths caught with the highlights below

Dusky Thorn
Ghost Moth (male)
Bulrush Wainscot
Frosted Orange
Flame Carpet
Green Carpet
Gold Spot
Canary-shouldered Thorn
Orange Swift

Red Underwing
Centre-barred Sallow
Oak Hook-tip
Coxcomb Prominent

1 comment:

Rich Dawkins said...

Funny, did you see this yet?